The Faculty of Economic Sciences and management is one of the most important academic sites in France for research in the field of economy and management.
The largest team of researchers hosted by the Faculty is the Office for theoretical and applied Economics (BETA), unit joint research between the University of Strasbourg and the National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS), also present in Nancy for some of its activities. It was evaluated in 2008 in the best of the categories (A +) by the Agency of Evaluation of research and higher education (AERES). This team of more than 100 people, allowing many doctoral students and young postdoctoral researchers is active in very diverse areas: Economics and management of innovation, growth and macroeconomic fluctuations, econometrics, analysis of the labour market and training systems, law and economics, strategic management of organizations, history of economic thought and Cliometrics, etc.
The Faculty also hosts the Institute of interdisciplinary research on Science and technology (IRIST) which conducts research at the intersection of the epistemological and historical analysis of scientific texts and studies social science and technology (science studies). This interdisciplinary work are fully part of a generalist University as the UdS.
The Faculty also hosts part of the team of the research laboratory in management and Economics (LaRGE) who works at the interface of Economics and management sciences on topics such as finance, industrial organization or management of organizations.
These research teams are also structures of welcome for the different masters that organizes the faculty, alone or in collaboration with other components of the University of Strasbourg.