Incoming exchange students

Dear international students,

Davide Cosi and I are delighted to present all information to prepare your exchange programme at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Strasbourg. Davide deals with all administrative and logistic matters whereas I am at your disposal for any academic question.

We are glad that you have chosen or will choose Strasbourg for your studies. We hope that you will feel happy and comfortable here, and that you will experience the friendliness of our people.

Strasbourg is one of the great historic cities of Europe and seat of several major European institutions. It offers a dynamic cultural life and vibrant nightlife.  Indeed, you have come to one of the largest university of France with more than 60,000 students and 17 % of international students.

We are looking forward to meeting you!

André Schmitt, International Academic Coordinator


Administrative contact person : Davide COSI
Tél : +33 3 68 85 21 26
E-mail :  dcosi[at]
Office A002 (open between 9:00 and 12 :30 Monday to Friday)

International Academic Coordinator : André SCHMITT
E-mail : a.schmitt[at]
Office A322 every Tuesday from 12:00 am to 1:30 pm

Faculté des Sciences économiques et de gestion
61 avenue de la Forêt-Noire, 67000 Strasbourg

Important Dates

To all new students who spend the autumn semester (first semester) in Strasbourg, we are pleased to invite you to a welcome and information meeting taking place in Room A210 (second floor) on Monday, 16th September 2024 at 6pm

We will answer questions regarding your learning agreements, assesments and evaluation procedures at our Faculty.

For your information, M Davide Cosi (room A002), is the new secretary of international exchanges. He deals with organisational and practical issues whereas I take in charge pedagogical questions.

Bachelor level in French (licence) :

  • First Semester : Beginning of September – Middle of January (Exams take place during the first 2 weeks of January)
  • Second Semester : Middle of January – Middle of May (Exams take place during the first 2 weeks of May)

Bachelor level in English : Bachelor in International Economics and Management (IEM)

  • First Semester : from September to January
  • Second Semester : from the second half of January to March

Master level :

  • First semester : from September to end of January
  • Second semester : from end of January to May

If you are a bachelor student, you can enroll in one master course. However, access to this course has to be agreed on by the teachers.

Calendar Incoming exchange

As specified above, the calendar is specific to the bachelor level and to the master level.


Before choosing the courses you would like to attend, please remember that :

  • Exchange students have to choose at least 60 % of their ECTS credits at the Faculty of Economics and Management.
  • The remaining 40 % (maximum) can be chosen in another faculty.
  • Courses may start differently between Licence's and Master’s degrees and with the other components, particularly in Semester 2.
  • All the courses offered by our faculty are face-to-face (no distance).
  • To get access to the course syllabi, you have to get back to the main page of our faculty internet site and look for the corresponding track.
  • Warning: you can follow any course in other faculties,  but we will have to  get the agreement of those faculties for quota reasons. You also need to be aware that choosing courses in other faculties can result in timetable conflicts.

For courses at the EM Business School, there is a special registration procedure depending on the places available. Please read file here and contact M. Cosi. Note that you can pick up only one course at EM Business school.

Avant de choisir vos cours, retenez bien ces informations :

  • Les étudiants Erasmus+ entrants doivent sélectionner au minimum 60 % de leurs ECTS à la Faculté de Sciences Économiques et de Gestion.
  • Les 40 % (au maximum) des ECTS restants peuvent être sélectionnés dans d’autres facultés.
  • Les cours peuvent connaître un démarrage différencié entre les licences et masters, et avec les autres composantes, surtout au semestre 2.
  • L'ensemble des enseignements proposé par notre faculté est en présentiel (pas de distanciel).
  • Pour connaître le détail des matières choisies merci de consulter l'onglet Formations.
  • Attention : vous pouvez suivre des cours dans d’autres facultés uniquement si ces facultés sont d’accord ! Il faut également prendre en compte que choisir des cours dans une autre faculté peut provoquer des conflits d’emploi du temps.

À l'EM Business School, vous ne pouvez suivre qu'un seul cours. Il existe une procédure d'inscription spéciale en fonction des places disponibles. Les délais d'inscription doivent être strictement respectés. Veuillez lire le dossier ici et contacter M Cosi.