Digital Economy and the Creative Industries

Digital Economy and the Creative Industries
Master Management et commerce internationalParcours Management des projets internationaux


In the evolving landscape of the global economy, heightened by digitisation, the creative industries have undergone a transformative journey.
Adapting their competitive strategies, marketing approaches, and overall business frameworks has become imperative for these creative organisations. This course empowers students to grasp these transformative shifts and their profound impacts within the realm of creative industries.

Compétences visées

  • To understand the (new) Digital World,
  • To define and determine the challenges facing the Creative Industries (CIs),
  • To be able to deal with the Digital Strategy of a company in the CIs,
  • To decipher some (new) Digital Markets,
  • To grasp the impact of the Digital Evolution with Innovation.


  • Sciences de gestion et du management

Autres contacts

Responsable de l'enseignement : Laurent Antonczak