Environmental health
Licence Économie et gestionParcours International Economics and Management
Environmental health is an umbrella term that includes a wide variety of aspects such as environmental quality, access to healthcare or well-being. This means both objective and subjective indicators are needed to measure it. In this course, we describe a few concepts related to environmental health we aim at understanding how to operationalize them. In particular, we look at what they bring in terms of information as well as their limits. This course is an invitation to critically think of ways to measure environmental health, as the demand for it is growing from the perspective of politicians, the private sector and the general public.
Compétences requises
- Basic statistical knowledge
- Critical thinking
Compétences visées
- Understand the narratives that shape environmental health
- Understand the pros and cons of measurement
- Understand the pros and cons of each measure
- Sciences économiques
- Sciences de gestion et du management
Booysen, F. (2002). An overview and evaluation of composite indices of development. Social indicators research, 59, 115-151.
Brulé, G. & Maggino, F. (2017) Metrics of Subjective Well-being: limits and improvement. Cham: Springer
Brulé, G. (2022). Evaluation of existing indexes of sustainable well-being and propositions for improvement. Sustainability, 14(2), 1027.
Gaille, M., Senn, N., Gonzalez-Holguera, J., & Carral, M. D. R. (2022). Santé et environnement Vers une nouvelle approche globale [Health and Environment, towards a new global approach]. RMS editions
Autres contacts
Name of the lecturer: Gaël BRULÉ