Big Data, business analytics and data management
Master Analyse et politique économiqueParcours Data science pour l'économie et l'entreprise
The development of big data offers many new opportunities to companies. Big data and associated technologies profoundly modify the management and strategies of companies, exposing them to unprecedented risks and growth possibilities. Nevertheless, being able to exploit big data and more generally technological evolution is a particularly difficult task for managers for several reasons:
- The first reason is related to the universal nature of big data. All managerial functions, all major activities of the company are potentially impacted and must adapt. However, not all business functions will necessarily use big data in the same way, an integration effort must be made by the company;
- The second reason is that technological change is making existing business models obsolete, and while innovation in business models is a necessity, there is not only high inertia at the decision level to change them (especially when they are successful), but also strong uncertainty, due to a lack of adequate tools;
- The third reason is that taking advantage of technological change can rarely happen on its own. In contrast, innovation ecosystems are very important to allow companies to take advantage of the opportunities offered by new technologies;
- The last reason is that the scenarios built around the use of new technologies that are generally rooted in the past, which means that companies are struggling to grasp the most disruptive new technology. Overcoming the obstacles of technological change require adequate tools that many managers do not possess.
The objective of the UE is to provide students with a clear vision and tools to ① support the establishment of an information system, concepts and abilities to support change related to big data, and in particular to design efficient business models which allow to take advantage effectively of technological changes. ② Master tools related the main functions of the company in order to understand the profound changes that companies are going through. ③ Use this tools and concepts to build suitable business models.
Compétences visées
At the end of this course, students:
- Should be able to define what an information system is and make a precise description of it;
- Have skills in auditing an information system;
- Are able to develop IT Governance at company level;
- Have knowledge on how to put in place the main elements of an information and knowledge management system;
- Use the necessary tools and methods to go from information management to knowledge management.
- Sciences économiques