Case study in project management (English)

Case study in project management (English)
Master Management et commerce internationalParcours Management des projets internationaux


  • From Theory to Practice…. from project ideation to project closure by the way of risk management and project reporting. Awake the creativity within you by defining the project you will work on, and accompany/ follow/ manage the project from start to end.
  • Teams of 4-5 to have fun on your project journey, in a classroom transformed into a “industry like” atmosphere for the occasion.
  • 2 Project Stakeholders that are here to help you, to manage and wisely use as facilitators to maximize your Project’s success.
  • 5 sessions of 3h for each topic : Project ideation, project charter, project reporting, project risk management, project closure. Every session is split in 2 hours of group work and 1h hour of presentation in front of the Steering Committee and the other groups.

Compétences visées

  • Put “classical/theoretical” PM skills in to practice (Planning, Budget, Project ideation, project charter, project reporting, project risk management, project closure) on a Project that is chosen by the Team itself.
  • Develop “soft/on the job” PM skills like storytelling, stakeholder management, Team management, visual/verbal/non-verbal communication in front of a Steering Committee to learn how to develop a dynamic of trust and a collaborative project ecosystem.


  • Sciences de gestion et du management

Autres contacts

Responsable(s) de l'enseignement : Gianfabio Inglese