Corporate Social Responsability (English)

Corporate Social Responsability (English)
Master Management et commerce internationalParcours Management des projets internationaux


This class provides a sensibilization for CSR activities in European organizations and its impact on the innovation capacity and, therefore, also the resilience of a company. Population loses trust in business, and we observe that especially younger generations are looking for a deeper meaning at their workplace. This has to be taken into account by the firm of tomorrow. This class has, therefore the objective of forming future managers who can reconcile financial performance, innovation capacity and social and environmental investments into their organizational strategy. Financial Performance, CSR, and Innovation require multiple perspectives within organizations. Market potential, customer behavior as well as technical feasibility have to be aligned, and this requires a perspective from multiple disciplines.

Compétences visées

  • Understand the key principles of CSR,
  • Understand the multiple perspectives within organizations.


  • Sciences de gestion et du management


Responsable(s) de l'enseignement