Advanced Economics of Innovation and Knowledge

Advanced Economics of Innovation and Knowledge
Master Analyse et politique économiqueParcours Économie des transitions, de l'innovation et des connaissances


Economics of Innovation and Knowledge:  Concepts, Paradigms, Theories (15h – LLERENA Patrick, University of Strasbourg)

Economic Dynamics and Networks (15h – OZMAN Muge, Télécom Paris) :

A good understanding of networks between various actors (organizations, inventors, etc.) is useful to analyse the dynamics of innovation. This course explores the role of networks in various processes in innovation; fostering creativity, leveraging partnerships for learning in new domains and existing ones, selecting partners, managing organisational change, sponsoring and marketing activities, or in managing supplier relations. In exploring role of networks this course combines theory and practice on innovation networks. It provides a comprehensive view of networks, and demonstrates how the concepts and techniques of social network perspective work in practice. The students will learn how to see relations in the economy at various levels as networks, and obtain hands on experience with network analysis, working with real world data. Students will learn about the potential benefits of the network perspective in different innovation environments, and how to leverage these for better performance in innovation, depending on the objectives of the analyst.

Innovation and economic dynamics(15h – RONDE Patrick, University of Strasbourg) :

The course begins by addressing the major issues in the economics of innovation  from a historical and a statistical perspective. Then, in the absence of statistical consensus following the "technology push versus demand pull" debate, we take a conceptual approach through modeling where we try to answer the question of incentives to innovate. In this perspective, we give an important place to the question of the relationship between market structures and innovation. In order to answer the questions of incentives and optimal choice of expenditure, we use various tools from decision theory and games theory under uncertainty. Secondly, we address the question of economic dynamics in relation to industrial dynamics and innovation dynamics. From this perspective, we will use an evolutionary approach and present both the concepts and tools of this analysis.

Compétences visées

  • Understand and present the conceptual and  analytical frameworks in the economics of innovation and knowledge
  • Understand and use the common theoretical and empirical tools used in the economics of innovation and knowledge
  • Apply the conceptual and analytical frameworks as well as their related theoretical and empirical tools to address current issues and phenomena


  • Sciences économiques


Responsable(s) de l'enseignement