Policies and impact assessment

Policies and impact assessment
Master Analyse et politique économiqueParcours Économie des transitions, de l'innovation et des connaissances


Impact Evaluation (20h – BIANCHINI Stefano, University of Strasbourg) :

The overall objective of this course is to introduce the basic statistical tools for impact evaluation and to familiarize students with these techniques on real-world examples. The course starts with an overview on “how to evaluate” and common errors in the field of impact evaluation. It then covers in more detail the four most common statistical techniques, namely: randomized selection methodsregression discontinuity designdifference-in-difference, and propensity score matching. In the final part of the course, students will practice R to apply theoretical concepts to data. 

Economics of Patents and IPR Policies (15h – PENIN Julien, University of Strasbourg) :

The objective of this lecture is to introduce the most recent developments with regard to the economics of patents. We start with a reminder of the standard literature on patents (incentives-diffusion dilemma, patent races, patent versus ex-post rewards). Then we offer more sophisticated insights and analyze the issues of markets for technology (patent brokers, patent trolls) and patents in complex technologies (anticommons, patent pools, standards). We conclude by exploring the link between patents and open innovation.

At the end of the lecture, students are able to understand the economic role of the patent system ; evaluate the performance of the patent system (its merits and drawbacks) ; analyze the link between patents and innovation performance ; define the appropriate patent strategy according to the context ; compare the performance of the patent system as regard to alternative policy instruments ; analyze the link between patents and open innovation. 

STI Policies : Rationales, Tools and Evaluation (12h – BACH Laurent, University of Strasbourg) :

The course explores some of the main aspects of Science-Technology-Innovation policies and on evaluation of those policies, especially the evaluation approaches, methods and tools proposed and implemented by evaluation studies in the last decades. A specific focus is put on the evaluation of the socio-economic impact of public support to R&D and innovation. Theoretical foundations and rationales for evaluation and their links with economics of innovation, as well as many examples of evaluation studies especially at US and European levels will be detailed. Class cases / study work will be organized, dedicated to specific topics and to the design of an evaluation scheme. This course is complementary to (but independant from) the course of Stefano Bianchini about the econometric methods for impact evaluation. 

Intended and Non-Intended Consequences of STI Policies (3h – LLERENA Patrick, University of Strasbourg): 


Compétences visées

  • Choose the appropriate statistical tool according to the peculiarities of the questions and the availability of data
  • Implement an impact assessment exercise within the software environment R
  • Asses or project the impact of policies, both economically, socially as well as technologically and scientifically reverting to both empirical (qualitative and quantitative) and theoretical arguments


  • Sciences économiques


Responsable(s) de l'enseignement