Digital Economy and Creative industry

Digital Economy and Creative industry
Master Management de l'innovationParcours Management de l'innovation et de la créativité (MIC)


This course is designed to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of the digital economy, underpinned by the exponential growth predicted by Moore's Law, and its profound impact on the creative industries. We will delve into how traditional economic theories offer insights into the rapidly transforming digital and informational landscape, as trends in the digital economy are predictable according to these theories. Additionally, the course sets the stage for a comprehensive study of how digital advancements are reshaping both new and established business models within the creative sectors.

Compétences visées

The objectives of this course are to:

  • Summarize the key characteristics of the digital economy,
  • Define the creative industry and highlights its specificities,
  • Equip students with a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of the digital economy,
  • Analyze the impact of digital technologies on the creative industries,
  • Address the ethical and economic challenges emerging from the digitalization of creative work.


  • Sciences de gestion et du management