Approche socio-économique de l'innovation

Approche socio-économique de l'innovation
Master Management de l'innovationParcours Management international de l'innovation (double diplôme franco-allemand)


An overarching goal of is to provide insights into current states of affairs that facilitate 'appropriate' action. Economic theories however do not provide detailed instructions.  That is what we do in this course. The  phenomenon we deal with is the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Dealing with this phenomenon requires us to consider distinctively economic rationals, but also ideas from the social sciences and beyond.
The course is organized along problem-oriented tasks. Tasks emphasize various aspects that may be of interest for understanding and dealing with the development of AI. Students prepare individually each task and then jointly discuss the tasks in class. The point of this organization is to generate learning by discussion of different points of view and with different backgrounds.

Compétences visées

Competences acquired by the students:

  • make own assessments of real-world phenomena by applying (economic) theories,
  • develop and communicate precise and rational arguments in constructive discussions,
  • gain insights into the following theories: endogenous economic growth, complementarity and network effects, general purpose technologies, innovation systems, complexity economics, and innovation policy,
  • gain a perspective on how AI may alter our current trajectory, and how one may possibly steer it to the good.


  • Sciences économiques


Responsable(s) de l'enseignement