International procurement (English)

International procurement (English)
Master Management de l'innovationParcours Management international de l'innovation (double diplôme franco-allemand)


This course provides the concepts and tools necessary to understand the supply Chain and purchasing functions in a global environment. A special focus will be put on some critical current challenges (low cost country sourcing, rising material costs, business continuity and risk management, the management of the performance of the suppliers).

Compétences visées

After completing this course the students should:

  • Understand the key objectives and challenges of an International Purchasing organization
  • How to deal and moderate the impact of raw material inflation
  • How to leverage global opportunities to satisfy business needs through a reliable and cost effective Supply Chain
  • How to define, measure and manage the performance of a supplier base
  • How to establish and leverage KPI to control an international purchasing function


  • Sciences de gestion et du management